diff --git a/migrations/versions/86195fe53b88_add_default_group_column_of_contact_.py b/migrations/versions/86195fe53b88_add_default_group_column_of_contact_.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e57c2c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/migrations/versions/86195fe53b88_add_default_group_column_of_contact_.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+"""add default_group column of contact table
+Revision ID: 86195fe53b88
+Revises: d0c7f4dd4894
+Create Date: 2023-07-31 00:27:37.445472
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = '86195fe53b88'
+down_revision = 'd0c7f4dd4894'
+branch_labels = None
+depends_on = None
+def upgrade() -> None:
+    # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
+    op.add_column('contact', sa.Column('default_group', sa.String(), nullable=True))
+    # ### end Alembic commands ###
+def downgrade() -> None:
+    # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
+    op.drop_column('contact', 'default_group')
+    # ### end Alembic commands ###
diff --git a/src/crud/contact_crud.py b/src/crud/contact_crud.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e781ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crud/contact_crud.py
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+from typing import Tuple
+from sqlalchemy import select, delete, or_
+from sqlalchemy import ScalarResult, Result
+from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import flag_modified
+from ..database.db import async_session
+from ..database.models import Contact, Apply, UserAccount, UserProfile
+async def insert_contact_friend(
+    relation: int,
+    applicant: str,
+    recipient: str,
+    applicant_setting: dict,
+    recipient_setting: dict,
+    session = async_session()
+    try:
+        await session.execute(
+            delete(Apply).where(
+                Apply.recipient == recipient,
+                Apply.applicant == applicant,
+                Apply.relation == relation,
+            )
+        )
+        res: ScalarResult[Contact] = await session.scalars(
+            select(Contact).where(
+                or_(Contact.user_id == applicant, Contact.user_id == recipient)
+            )
+        )
+        for contact in res.all():
+            if contact.user_id == recipient:
+                contact.friends[applicant] = recipient_setting
+                flag_modified(contact, "friends")
+            else:
+                contact.friends[recipient] = applicant_setting
+                flag_modified(contact, "friends")
+        session.add_all(res.all())
+        await session.commit()
+    except Exception:
+        raise Exception
+    finally:
+        await session.close()
+async def select_contact_all(user_id: str) -> Contact:
+    session = async_session()
+    res: ScalarResult[Contact] = await session.scalars(
+        select(Contact).where(Contact.user_id == user_id)
+    )
+    await session.close()
+    return res.one()
+async def select_friends_group_chats(
+    friend_ids: list[str],
+) -> list[Tuple[UserAccount, UserProfile]]:
+    session = async_session()
+    res: Result[list[Tuple[UserAccount, UserProfile]]] = await session.execute(
+        select(UserAccount, UserProfile)
+        .join(UserAccount.profile)
+        .where(UserAccount.id.in_(friend_ids))
+    )
+    return res.all()
+async def update_friend_setting(
+    user_id: str,
+    friend_id: str,
+    remark: str | None,
+    group: str | None,
+    session = async_session()
+    res = await session.scalars(select(Contact).where(Contact.user_id == user_id))
+    contact: Contact = res.one()
+    if remark:
+        contact.friends[friend_id]["friendRemark"] = remark
+    else:
+        contact.friends[friend_id]["friendGroup"] = group
+    flag_modified(contact, "friends")
+    session.add(contact)
+    await session.commit()
+    await session.close()
+async def update_groups(
+    user_id: str,
+    groups: list[str],
+    group_name_change_pair: list[list[str]],
+    default_group: str,
+    session = async_session()
+    res = await session.scalars(select(Contact).where(Contact.user_id == user_id))
+    contact = res.one()
+    contact.friend_groups = groups
+    contact.default_group = default_group
+    for pair in group_name_change_pair:
+        if pair[1] == "":
+            continue
+        for friend_id, friend_setting in contact.friends.items():
+            if pair[0] == friend_setting["friendGroup"]:
+                contact.friends[friend_id]["friendGroup"] = pair[1]
+    flag_modified(contact, "friends")
+    session.add(contact)
+    await session.commit()
+    await session.close()
diff --git a/src/crud/multitable_crud.py b/src/crud/multitable_crud.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 78b0959..0000000
--- a/src/crud/multitable_crud.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-from sqlalchemy import select, delete, update
-from sqlalchemy import Result, ScalarResult, or_
-from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import flag_modified
-from ..database.db import async_session
-from ..database.models import *
-async def insert_contact_friend(
-    relation: int,
-    applicant: str,
-    recipient: str,
-    applicant_setting: dict,
-    recipient_setting: dict,
-    session = async_session()
-    try:
-        await session.execute(
-            delete(Apply).where(
-                Apply.recipient == recipient,
-                Apply.applicant == applicant,
-                Apply.relation == relation,
-            )
-        )
-        res: ScalarResult[Contact] = await session.scalars(
-            select(Contact).where(
-                or_(Contact.user_id == applicant, Contact.user_id == recipient)
-            )
-        )
-        for contact in res.all():
-            if contact.user_id == recipient:
-                contact.friends[applicant] = recipient_setting
-                flag_modified(contact, "friends")
-            else:
-                contact.friends[recipient] = applicant_setting
-                flag_modified(contact, "friends")
-        session.add_all(res.all())
-        await session.commit()
-    except Exception:
-        raise Exception
-    finally:
-        await session.close()
diff --git a/src/crud/user_crud.py b/src/crud/user_crud.py
index b757917..559ebe5 100755
--- a/src/crud/user_crud.py
+++ b/src/crud/user_crud.py
@@ -16,7 +16,11 @@ async def insert_user(username: str, password: str, email: str):
     id = ulid.new().str
     user = UserAccount(id=id, username=username, password=password, email=email)
     profile = UserProfile(nickname=username)
-    contact = Contact(friends={id: {}}, friend_groups=["我的好友"], group_chats={})
+    contact = Contact(
+        friends={id: {"friendGroup": "我的好友", "friendRemark": ""}},
+        friend_groups=["我的好友"],
+        group_chats={},
+    )
     user.profile = profile
     user.contact = contact
diff --git a/src/database/models.py b/src/database/models.py
index ee91096..504b439 100755
--- a/src/database/models.py
+++ b/src/database/models.py
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ class Contact(Base):
     id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(Integer, primary_key=True)
     friends: Mapped[dict[str, FriendSetting]] = mapped_column(JSONB, nullable=True)
     friend_groups: Mapped[list[str]] = mapped_column(ARRAY(String), nullable=True)
+    default_group: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(String, default="我的好友", nullable=True)
     group_chats: Mapped[dict[str, GroupChatSetting]] = mapped_column(
         JSONB, nullable=True
@@ -95,10 +96,19 @@ class Contact(Base):
             f"user={self.user_id}, "
             f"friends={self.friends}, "
             f"friend_group={self.friend_groups}, "
+            f"default_group={self.default_group},"
+    def to_dict(self):
+        return {
+            "friends": self.friends,
+            "friendGroups": self.friend_groups,
+            "defaultGroup": self.default_group,
+            "groupChats": self.group_chats,
+        }
 class Apply(Base):
     __tablename__ = "apply"
diff --git a/src/main.py b/src/main.py
index a0704b9..61e481f 100755
--- a/src/main.py
+++ b/src/main.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends
-from starlette.responses import FileResponse
+from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
 from .dependencies import verify_token
 from .utils.email_code import smtp
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ from .routers.user_profile import router as user_profile_router
 from .routers.user_account import router as user_account_router
 from .routers.search import router as search_router
 from .routers.apply import router as apply_router
+from .routers.contact import router as contact_router
-from .utils.static_file import create_zip_file
 app = FastAPI()
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ app.include_router(user_profile_router, dependencies=[Depends(verify_token)])
 app.include_router(user_account_router, dependencies=[Depends(verify_token)])
 app.include_router(search_router, dependencies=[Depends(verify_token)])
 app.include_router(apply_router, dependencies=[Depends(verify_token)])
+app.include_router(contact_router, dependencies=[Depends(verify_token)])
+app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory="static"), name="static")
@@ -29,11 +32,3 @@ def close_smtp():
 async def main():
     return {"code": 10000, "msg": "hello world"}
-async def get_zipfile():
-    file = create_zip_file(
-        ["luhptjjk1688921163.png", "pnjdvldw1688921358.png"], "avatars"
-    )
-    return FileResponse(file)
diff --git a/src/response_models/apply_response.py b/src/response_models/apply_response.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19ed844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/response_models/apply_response.py
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+from .base import BaseResponseModel
+from .user_response import _UserAccountProfile
+class _Apply(BaseModel):
+    relation: int
+    applicant: str
+    recipient: str
+    groupChatId: str | None = None
+    hello: str
+    setting: dict
+    createdAt: str
+class ApplyListResponse(BaseResponseModel):
+    data: list[_Apply] | None = None
+class ApplicantProfilesResponse(BaseResponseModel):
+    data: dict[str, _UserAccountProfile]
diff --git a/src/response_models/contact_response.py b/src/response_models/contact_response.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f13d981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/response_models/contact_response.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+from .base import BaseResponseModel
+from .user_response import _UserAccountProfile
+class _FriendSetting(BaseModel):
+    friendRemark: str | None = None
+    friendGroup: str | None = None
+class _GroupChatSetting(BaseModel):
+    groupChatRemark: str | None = None
+    myRemark: str | None = None
+class _ContactResponseData(BaseModel):
+    friends: dict[str, _FriendSetting]
+    friendGroups: list[str]
+    defaultGroup: str
+    groupChats: dict[str, _GroupChatSetting]
+class _ContactAccountProfile(BaseModel):
+    friends: dict[str, _UserAccountProfile]
+    groupChats: dict | None = None
+class ContactResponse(BaseResponseModel):
+    data: _ContactResponseData | None = None
+class ContactAccountProfileResponse(BaseResponseModel):
+    data: _ContactAccountProfile | None = None
diff --git a/src/response_models/user_response.py b/src/response_models/user_response.py
index 6f0ab9f..c4cf513 100755
--- a/src/response_models/user_response.py
+++ b/src/response_models/user_response.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class _UserProfile(BaseModel):
 class UserAccountResponse(BaseResponseModel):
-    data: Optional[_UserAccount] = None
+    data: _UserAccount | None = None
 class TokenCreationResponse(BaseResponseModel):
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ class TokenCreationResponse(BaseResponseModel):
 class TokenSigninResponse(BaseResponseModel):
-    data: Optional[_UserAccount] = None
-    token: Optional[str] = None
+    data: _UserAccount | None = None
+    token: str | None = None
 class UserProfileResponse(BaseResponseModel):
diff --git a/src/routers/apply.py b/src/routers/apply.py
index c4896df..7f8b1b4 100644
--- a/src/routers/apply.py
+++ b/src/routers/apply.py
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@ from fastapi import APIRouter, Query
 from fastapi.responses import FileResponse
 from pydantic import BaseModel
-from src.crud import apply_crud, user_crud, multitable_crud
-from ..response_models.base import BaseResponseModel
+from src.crud import apply_crud, user_crud, contact_crud
+from ..response_models.apply_response import (
+    BaseResponseModel,
+    ApplyListResponse,
+    ApplicantProfilesResponse,
 from ..utils.static_file import create_zip_file
 router = APIRouter(prefix="/apply", tags=["apply"])
@@ -39,7 +43,7 @@ async def apply_friend(apply_info: ApplyInfo):
     return {"code": 10600, "msg": "Apply Friend Successfully"}
+@router.get("/list", response_model=ApplyListResponse)
 async def get_apply_list(recipient: str):
     res = await apply_crud.select_apply_all(recipient)
     if not res:
@@ -56,7 +60,7 @@ async def get_apply_list(recipient: str):
+@router.get("/applicant_profiles", response_model=ApplicantProfilesResponse)
 async def get_applicant_profiles(applicant_ids: list[str] = Query(default=None)):
     res = await user_crud.select_multiuser_info(applicant_ids)
     applicant_profiles = {}
@@ -77,17 +81,17 @@ async def download_applicant_avatars(avatars: list[str] = Query(default=None)):
     return FileResponse(file_path)
+@router.post("/accept", response_model=BaseResponseModel)
 async def accept_apply(accept_info: AcceptInfo):
-        await multitable_crud.insert_contact_friend(**accept_info.model_dump())
+        await contact_crud.insert_contact_friend(**accept_info.model_dump())
         return {"code": 10600, "msg": "Add Friend Successfully"}
     except Exception as e:
         print(f"接受添加好友请求出错....: {e}")
         return {"code": 10601, "msg": "Something Went Wrong On the Server"}
+@router.post("/refuse", response_model=BaseResponseModel)
 async def refuse_apply(refuse_info: RefuseInfo):
     await apply_crud.delete_apply(**refuse_info.model_dump())
     return {"code": 10600, "msg": "Refuse Apply Successfully"}
diff --git a/src/routers/contact.py b/src/routers/contact.py
index d70e383..718ffde 100755
--- a/src/routers/contact.py
+++ b/src/routers/contact.py
@@ -1,4 +1,66 @@
 from fastapi import APIRouter
+from pydantic import BaseModel
-router = APIRouter(prefix='/profile', tags=['profile'])
+from ..crud import contact_crud, user_crud
+from ..response_models.contact_response import (
+    BaseResponseModel,
+    ContactResponse,
+    ContactAccountProfileResponse,
+router = APIRouter(prefix="/contact", tags=["contact"])
+class ContactIds(BaseModel):
+    friend_ids: list[str]
+    group_chat_ids: list[str] | None = None
+class ChangeFriendSetting(BaseModel):
+    user_id: str
+    friend_id: str
+    remark: str | None = None
+    group: str | None = None
+class ManageGroups(BaseModel):
+    user_id: str
+    groups: list[str]
+    group_name_change_pair: list[list[str]]
+    default_group: str
+@router.get("", response_model=ContactResponse)
+async def get_contact(id: str):
+    contact = await contact_crud.select_contact_all(id)
+    print(contact.to_dict())
+    return {"code": 10700, "msg": "Get Contact Successfully", "data": contact.to_dict()}
+@router.post("/profiles", response_model=ContactAccountProfileResponse)
+async def get_contact_account_profiles(contact_ids: ContactIds):
+    res = await contact_crud.select_friends_group_chats(contact_ids.friend_ids)
+    friends_account_profiles = {}
+    for account, profile in res:
+        friends_account_profiles[account.id] = account.to_dict()
+        friends_account_profiles[account.id].update(profile.to_dict())
+    return {
+        "code": 10700,
+        "msg": "Get Contact Profiles Successfully",
+        "data": {"friends": friends_account_profiles},
+    }
+@router.post("/change/friend_setting", response_model=BaseResponseModel)
+async def change_friend_remark(friend_remark: ChangeFriendSetting):
+    await contact_crud.update_friend_setting(**friend_remark.model_dump())
+    return {"code": 10700, "msg": "change Friend Remark Successfully"}
+@router.post("/manage_groups", response_model=BaseResponseModel)
+async def manage_groups(group_info: ManageGroups):
+    await contact_crud.update_groups(**group_info.model_dump())
+    return {"code": 10700, "msg": "Manage Groups Successfully"}
diff --git a/src/routers/signin.py b/src/routers/signin.py
index a51bbf2..2f38d83 100755
--- a/src/routers/signin.py
+++ b/src/routers/signin.py
@@ -7,10 +7,18 @@ from jose import ExpiredSignatureError, JWTError
 from ..crud.user_crud import select_account_by
 from ..utils.password import verify_password
-from ..utils.token_handler import create_signin_token, oauth2_scheme, verify_signin_token
-from ..response_models.user_response import UserAccountResponse, TokenCreationResponse, TokenSigninResponse
+from ..utils.token_handler import (
+    create_signin_token,
+    oauth2_scheme,
+    verify_signin_token,
+from ..response_models.user_response import (
+    UserAccountResponse,
+    TokenCreationResponse,
+    TokenSigninResponse,
-router = APIRouter(prefix='/signin', tags=['signin'])
+router = APIRouter(prefix="/signin", tags=["signin"])
 class TokenPayload(BaseModel):
@@ -18,39 +26,55 @@ class TokenPayload(BaseModel):
     device_id: str
-@router.post('/username', response_model=UserAccountResponse)
+@router.post("/username", response_model=UserAccountResponse)
 async def signin_by_username(form_data: OAuth2PasswordRequestForm = Depends()):
     username = form_data.username
     password = form_data.password
-    is_existence, user = await select_account_by('username', username)
+    is_existence, user = await select_account_by("username", username)
     if not is_existence:
-        return {'code': 10201, 'msg': 'Username or Password Is Incorrect'}
+        return {"code": 10201, "msg": "Username or Password Is Incorrect"}
     is_correct = verify_password(password, user.password)
     if is_correct:
-        return {'code': 10200, 'msg': 'Sign in Successfully', 'data': user.to_dict()}
+        return {"code": 10200, "msg": "Sign in Successfully", "data": user.to_dict()}
-        return {'code': 10201, 'msg': 'Username or Password Is Incorrect', 'data': None}
+        return {"code": 10201, "msg": "Username or Password Is Incorrect"}
-@router.post('/token', response_model=TokenCreationResponse)
+@router.post("/token", response_model=TokenCreationResponse)
 async def create_token(token_payload: TokenPayload):
     token = create_signin_token(**token_payload.model_dump())
-    return {'code': 10200, 'msg': 'Create Token Successfully', 'token': token}
+    return {"code": 10200, "msg": "Create Token Successfully", "token": token}
-@router.get('/token', response_model=TokenSigninResponse)
+@router.get("/token", response_model=TokenSigninResponse)
 async def signin_by_token(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
         new_token, id = verify_signin_token(token)
-        _, user = await select_account_by('id', id)
+        _, user = await select_account_by("id", id)
         if new_token:
-            return {'code': 10200, 'msg': 'Sign in Successfully', 'data': user.to_dict(), 'token': new_token}
+            return {
+                "code": 10200,
+                "msg": "Sign in Successfully",
+                "data": user.to_dict(),
+                "token": new_token,
+            }
-            return {'code': 10200, 'msg': 'Sign in Successfully', 'data': user.to_dict(), 'token': token}
+            return {
+                "code": 10200,
+                "msg": "Sign in Successfully",
+                "data": user.to_dict(),
+                "token": token,
+            }
     except ExpiredSignatureError:
-        return {'code': 9999, 'msg': 'Token has Expired', 'data': None, 'token': None}
+        return {
+            "code": 9999,
+            "msg": "Token has Expired",
+        }
     except JWTError:
-        return {'code': 9998, 'msg': 'Token Is Not Right', 'data': None, 'token': None}
\ No newline at end of file
+        return {
+            "code": 9998,
+            "msg": "Token Is Not Right",
+        }