# Initialization ## Virtue Environment First install `pipenv` (if you don't have) running: ```shell pip install pipenv ``` Then use `pipenv` to create virtue environment running in the root directory of the project: ```shell pipenv install ``` This command will install all the dependencies. ## Requirements Generate requirements file running ```shell pipenv requirements > requirements.txt ``` # Start Up Start up the app according to different environment variables running: ## fastapi ```shell uvicorn src.main:app --reload --env-file ./.local.env ``` # Migration ## Generate a migration ```shell alembic revision -m "comment" --autogenerate ``` ## Upgrade a migration This will upgrade to the newest version ```shell alembic upgrade head ``` or: ```shell alembic upgrade verions_name ``` or relative upgrades: ```shell alembe upgrade +1 ``` ## Downgrade a migration ```shell alembic downgrade -1 ```