181 lines
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181 lines
5.4 KiB
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:go_router/go_router.dart';
/// To use a custom transition animation, provide a `pageBuilder` with a
/// CustomTransitionPage.
/// To learn more about animation in Flutter, check out the [Introduction to
/// animations](https://docs.flutter.dev/development/ui/animations) page on
/// flutter.dev.
void main() => runApp(const MyApp());
/// The route configuration.
final GoRouter _router = GoRouter(
routes: <RouteBase>[
path: '/',
builder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) {
return const HomeScreen();
routes: <RouteBase>[
path: 'details',
pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) {
return CustomTransitionPage<void>(
key: state.pageKey,
child: const DetailsScreen(),
transitionDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 150),
transitionsBuilder: (
BuildContext context,
Animation<double> animation,
Animation<double> secondaryAnimation,
Widget child,
) {
// Change the opacity of the screen using a Curve based on the the animation's
// value
return FadeTransition(
CurveTween(curve: Curves.easeInOut).animate(animation),
child: child,
path: 'dismissible-details',
pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) {
return CustomTransitionPage<void>(
key: state.pageKey,
child: const DismissibleDetails(),
barrierDismissible: true,
barrierColor: Colors.black38,
opaque: false,
transitionDuration: Duration.zero,
transitionsBuilder: (_, __, ___, Widget child) => child,
path: 'custom-reverse-transition-duration',
pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) {
return CustomTransitionPage<void>(
key: state.pageKey,
child: const DetailsScreen(),
barrierDismissible: true,
barrierColor: Colors.black38,
opaque: false,
transitionDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
reverseTransitionDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
transitionsBuilder: (
BuildContext context,
Animation<double> animation,
Animation<double> secondaryAnimation,
Widget child,
) {
const begin = Offset(1.0, 0.0);
const end = Offset.zero;
final tween = Tween(begin: begin, end: end);
final offsetAnimation = animation.drive(tween);
return SlideTransition(
// opacity: animation,
position: offsetAnimation,
child: child,
/// The main app.
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
/// Constructs a [MyApp]
const MyApp({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp.router(
routerConfig: _router,
/// The home screen
class HomeScreen extends StatelessWidget {
/// Constructs a [HomeScreen]
const HomeScreen({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Home Screen')),
body: Center(
child: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
onPressed: () => context.go('/details'),
child: const Text('Go to the Details screen'),
const SizedBox(height: 48),
onPressed: () => context.go('/dismissible-details'),
child: const Text('Go to the Dismissible Details screen'),
const SizedBox(height: 48),
onPressed: () =>
child: const Text(
'Go to the Custom Reverse Transition Duration Screen',
/// The details screen
class DetailsScreen extends StatelessWidget {
/// Constructs a [DetailsScreen]
const DetailsScreen({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Details Screen')),
body: Center(
child: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
onPressed: () => context.go('/'),
child: const Text('Go back to the Home screen'),
/// The dismissible details screen
class DismissibleDetails extends StatelessWidget {
/// Constructs a [DismissibleDetails]
const DismissibleDetails({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return const Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(48),
child: ColoredBox(color: Colors.red),